If you have not participated in the launch of the crypto-currency BITCOIN, then do not miss the one of LEOCOIN because FIDUCIARY money will inevitably pass the relay to CRYPTO-COINS. It has been months since I reviewed the various cryptomonies. We know
We know that crypto-currency is the next economic phenomenon not to be missed!
But the crypto-currency is free (like the internet) and therefore many crypto-currency appear: how to make sure to leave on good crypto-currency with good company?
So here I do a sequence of points that show why I think it is the LEOCoin that offers from far away all the elements of solidity and success to propose in the network!
It does a lot, but it's really impressive!
Store as many as possible now ....
LEOCOIN = Learn, Earn and Own
Dan Andersson and Atif Kamran => 25 years of leading international companies, including MLM
Leocoin headquarters in Oxford => London Stock Exchange in late 2017
Leocoin is open in over 120 countries
Leocoin is officially opened in the USA: the only non-US currency approved in the USA!
Leocoin exists since the beginning of 2012 and has more than 200,000 members at the beginning of 2016: opening of the development phase 1st quarter 2016: 1 million members planned for early 2017!
Leocoin already has 10 offices in the world: Hong Kong, Dubai, Thailand, Turkey, Egypt, India, China, United Kingdom (Headquarters), Philippines and Canada.
We can pay the packs by credit card Mastercard, Visa etc. Bitcoin, Leocoin, Neteller.
32,000 traders already in the world where you can pay with Leocoin!
Platform with online merchants in the backoffice in September 2016.
First cryptomonaie which has nothing to do with online games or casinos, etc ...,
The leitmotif is the first cryptomonaie of entrepreneurs and the general public
Leocoin is a Public corner that anyone can buy and resell even outside the network marketing system. (See: http://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/leocoin/
) => No mlm that counts on the network to make exist its currency, but an existing and recognized currency that wants to use the strength of the network for a rapid and global development!
LEOcoin have developed on the same standards as direct sales of products! They have been audited for almost 2 years to be approved by the International Authorities of direct sales:
The Canadian DSA
DSA UK (Europe)
DSA USA as of May 2016
Here is an overview of the company (see also the menu on the left):
The official website: http://www.leocoin.org/
Registration link on the Leocoin website: http://www.LearnEarnOwn.com/Nawalitamlm
Communication and marketing are exceptional, and is remarkably focused on entrepreneurs and the general public!
What is LEO Coin
Look at the quality of these videos
Very interesting: LEO has its e-TV: the LEO TV (see already the quality and quantity of the database of knowledge and knowledge):
LEO already offers an exceptional documentary database (many docs in French arrive): https://www.learnearnown.com/leo/LeoBusiness/Downloads
Various: e-tutoring: http://etutoring.learnearnown.com/
Various: charity: http://leocharity.com/
The principle
Acquire this crypto-currency by renting computer servers that will miner (code to make money).
3 packs for miner:
Pack 1 month at 150 £
Pack 4 months at 600 £
Pack 12 months at 1500 £
In 1 month we acquire 80 leocoin
By purchasing only the 1 month pack, you remain active for 12 months
One can also buy and sell without trouble this currency on the platform leochange. You can buy products from partner merchants on Leomarket and a travel agency accepting Leocoin.
The sponsorship plan
4 different sources of income:
10% on the purchase of our direct
10% binary matrix on the purchase of the weak leg
Up to 30% on purchasing our 10 levels (2,2,3, 3, 5, 5, 3, 3, 2, 2) from 4 direct partners sylver
Up to 25 inverted remuneration on the 7 levels of our upline (from sylver)
To be sylver, it is necessary to buy 4 packs of 1 month from the beginning, ie 500 £
Other Plans of Interest:
Leocrownd (crowdfunding)
Leotower (Actions Immobilière)
If you affiliate a merchant, you receive 1% of sales on leocoin
Others products
A phone made for business and soon with the top version.
E-learning products which are the basis of society and are of very high quality
Also, I just got the info on the LEO positioning: they are being negotiated with banks and political authorities.
In April the leaders participated in the convention of the digital chamber of commerce in London: for the 1st big world summit of BLOCKCHAIN !!! (The blockchain is the basis of the cryptomony invented by the BitCoin)
This room is made up of the biggest economists and specialists in the world and is considered the 1st place of digital commerce in the world !!!!
Among the companies with the highest level of involvement:
See: http://digitalchamber.org/dcsummit.html
Also, in early May 2016, LEO leaders presented the LEO Coin to the English parliamentary chamber with 27 ambassadors from different countries:
LEOcoin Leaders, invited to the UK Parliament on 27 April 2016. They spent the day in front of 27 Ambassadors from 27 different countries. Enormissime !!!
LEO in the British Parliament :
Video record of the meeting LEO hosted in the UK Houses of Parliament and why it was so important to LEO and its Members
Remarkable also, recognition with the highest US authorities, notably with former president Bill CLINTON:
Succeeding in having a recognition on the American territory, for a currency and a European company is a feat ...
Create your account here to start earning
LEO already offers some of the most advanced tools on the market and far the best mlm companies, combined with market strategies that offer
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